At your mark, get set & off we go!
Everything happened so fast and apparantly at the same time.
So in order to catch up, it has been quite hectic. I started my first assignment two weeks after registration of the company.
With the ink still wet on the contract I entered the Polestar world directly. At Polestar it is a very high pace and everything seems to happen at once, so I like it a lot and it has been really fun so far.
So with this I can now write, that a brand new consultancy firm has been born.
Let’s meet and make sure to release the full potential together!
The setup of the Company Framework
Here I will write some info about what I'm doing in order to build a new company. A nice way to keep a diary of the progress, if any, which will enable for me to improve over time.
The very first full day
After leaving Volvocars yesterday, today was the first day to do daywork @BECTOR. There has been some work late nights & weekends but this was the first workday. Is this how every day will be as self employed?
So what happened?
Apart from three gymclasses, I've been in contac with the bank, Bolagsverket & some insurance companies.
After specfying the company purpose in order to the requirements by Bolagsverket, I hope that the registration and change of the Company name will pass tomorrow.
First network meeting
After the last gymclass, Dancing class with Sofia, I had made an appointment with Mikael Jensen in the gym cafeteria. Mikael has run his own company fore some years within the same/similar field of practice.
He provided a lot of valuable tips and tricks of how to set up a successful business in a lean way.
I think the best thing was that he shares the idea of that we should try to build a network for sharing experiences. Right now my experiences that I can share is quite limited due to logical reasons but it really feels good to plan for establishing such a network.
Waiting for registration
TThere seem to be very slow progress at Bolagsverket today. All the changes that were sent in yesterday seems to have been accepted and now is my errand in a "inprogress" mode.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get the webpage in shape.
There are a few "catch 22" moments, in the Company registration process.
Business idea:
Bolagsverket should contract a Business Analyst in order to streamline their process.
Did you take some notes?
Trying to do a little housekeeping in order to clean up old Volvocars assignment in order to be ready for new ones.
I started to take notes in this kind of notebooks, "Spiralkladd", in 2020 a.k.a the Codev-era.
There is almost 100 pages in each notebook, there are many pictures and information charts in there of cause, but I guess the answer to the question is:
I did take some notes.
What is a Roadmap?
What is a Roadmap, if not a way to etch a picture in the mind of the stakeholders of where we are heading.
Besides this there will be Timeplans, Schedules, Lists of Objectives, and Task Lists etc. They are all also very important deliveries and tools for controlling the development, but the most important question before we start with those is:
Do I have you on board, heading towards the same goal?
Your dream is my plan
Some people dream a lot but never do any adoptions to move towards their dreams.
I might scare some of my acquaintances by having a very short or instant connection between the dream and setting the plan into action.
I guess that what gives me this ability is that I have never been very afraid of failure.
Failure brings experience for future success.
So let's start acting on those plans towards the dream.
This can be fun.